Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology
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The activity of the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology concentrates on psychology and related topics of cognitive neuroscience. Research activity covers areas of social-, cross-cultural-, cognitive-, developmental, and comparative psychology and psychophysiology. Much effort is devoted to developing practical applications of basic research achievements. The institute emphasizes collaboration with other branches of natural and social sciences.

Recent News

Protocol for experiments involving participants during times of the COVID-19 infection risk at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology, Research Centre for Natural Sciences

The aim of the protocol is to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection for participants, experimenters, and other RCNS personnel while conducting experiments involving participants and/or accompanying persons [...]

Gratulálunk Bunford Nórának, aki az MTA Lendület programjának idei egyik nyerteseként intézetünkben alapít kutatócsoportot!

Bunford Nóra, klinikai és mentálhigiéniai gyermek- és ifjúsági szakpszichológus. Célja a serdülő- és fiatal felnőttkori figyelemhiányos-hiperaktivitás és externalizációs (ADHD/EXT) zavarok olyan velejáróinak pontosabb megértése, amelyek funkcionális károsodást és [...]


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