Regarding the fresh advance of the Chinese coronavirus epidemic in Europe…

1. The Research Centre for Natural Sciences (RCNS) requested that any colleague, student or guest who recently arrived (or will arrive) to Hungary from Northern Italy (i.e. north from Rome), or from any other location that was reported to be as infection-hotspot, please contact their Principal Investigator (Lab. Head) and stay away from the RCNS for 2 weeks.

2. Those who are arriving from China or any other location that was declared as infectious hotspots and notice particular symptoms on themselves (fever, cough, respiratory difficulties, etc.), please immediately look for medical help. Do not forget reporting any important circumstances that could help the officials (the location where you may contacted infected persons, or the probably infected individuals whom you were in contact).

3. Please follow the official announcements if you are abroad, or you are planning to travel abroad. This is very important from the aspect of your and the community’s safety.

4. Please follow the general safety measures against contagion, especially pay attention to the frequent, thorough washing of your hands with warm, soapy water. To support this RCNS will provide colleagues with antiseptic hand gel dispensers located in the entrances of the building and in the kitchen areas.

2020-03-02T13:40:35+02:002020. február 26.|Aktuális hírek|

1. The Research Centre for Natural Sciences (RCNS) requested that any colleague, student or guest who recently arrived (or will arrive) to Hungary from Northern Italy (i.e. north from Rome), or from any other location that was reported to be as infection-hotspot, please contact their Principal Investigator (Lab. Head) and stay away from the RCNS for 2 weeks.

2. Those who are arriving from China or any other location that was declared as infectious hotspots and notice particular symptoms on themselves (fever, cough, respiratory difficulties, etc.), please immediately look for medical help. Do not forget reporting any important circumstances that could help the officials (the location where you may contacted infected persons, or the probably infected individuals whom you were in contact).

3. Please follow the official announcements if you are abroad, or you are planning to travel abroad. This is very important from the aspect of your and the community’s safety.

4. Please follow the general safety measures against contagion, especially pay attention to the frequent, thorough washing of your hands with warm, soapy water. To support this RCNS will provide colleagues with antiseptic hand gel dispensers located in the entrances of the building and in the kitchen areas.

2020-03-02T13:40:08+02:002020. február 26.|Aktuális hírek|
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