Research topics

1. Survival analysis in cancer. Our main goal is to develop tools to link cancer survival and gene expression or mutations based mono- or multigenic prognostic signatures. We develop online accessible tools for automated evaluation. We participate in international collaborations aiming the validation of identified prognostic and predictive signatures.

2. Cell culture studies. We strive to identify resistance biomarkers of targeted therapy agents used in oncology. We utilize cell culture models to inhibit and/or silence target genes. Then, the magnitude of response to chemo- and targeted therapy is evaluated and the phenotype changes are characterized.

3. Linking genotype to clinical response. We process next generation sequencing data generated by the TCGA consortia. We process the entire gene sequence and the expression of all genes in multiple thousand patients from various solid tumors. By linking different levels of data we can directly link a genotype change to genes with an effect on clinical outcome.

International collaborations

  • Igor Roninson, University of South Carolina, USA
  • Saraswati Sukumar, John Hopkins, Baltimore, USA
  • Pusztai Lajos, Yale Cancer Center, New Haven, USA
  • Sophia Chernikova, Stanford University, USA
  • Yatrik Shah, University of Michigan, USA
  • Mathieu Lupien, University of Toronto, Canada
  • Libero Santarpia, Humanitas Clinical and Research Center, Italy
  • Reinhold Schäfer, Charité Berlin, Germany
  • Jan Budczies, Charité Berlin, Germany
  • Thomas Karn, University of Frankfurt, Germany
  • Irina Nazarenko, University of Freiburg, Germany
  • Antonio Postigo, ICREA, Spain
  • Luca Magnani, Imperial College, London, UK
  • Michael Lisanti, University of Manchester, UK
  • Simak Ali, Imperial College, London, UK
  • Casanova Emilio, Medical University of Vienna, Austria
  • Baharia Mograbi, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France
  • Pascale Cohen, University of Lyon, France
  • Khalid Khabar, King Faisal Research Centre, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  • Takayuki Iwamoto, Okayama University, Japan
  • Yong Han, Peking University, China



Group Leader

Name Phone Group Room
Dr. Balázs Győrffy +361-382-6722 Oncology Biomarker Research Group D3.11A


Name Phone Group Room
Dr. Otília Menyhárt +361-382-6745 Oncology Biomarker Research Group É3.10A
Dr. Áron Bartha +361/382-6745 Oncology Biomarker Research Group É3.10A
Dr. Ádám Nagy +361/382-6745 Oncology Biomarker Research Group É3.10A
Dalma Müller +361/382-6745 Oncology Biomarker Research Group É3.10A
Szonja Anna Kovács +361/382-6745 Oncology Biomarker Research Group É3.10A