Brain Imaging Centre MTA TTK | Research Centre for Natural Sciences Fri, 17 May 2019 09:16:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Olvasási kísérlet Fri, 05 Apr 2019 09:57:25 +0000 Tájékoztató a vizsgálathoz

Kutatócsoportunk már évek óta foglalkozik a természetes olvasás neurális hátterének vizsgálatával agyi képalkotó módszerek és pszichofizikai vizsgálatok segítségével. Ezen folyamatok tanulmányozása segíthet az olvasási nehézségek hátterében álló idegrendszeri mechanizmusok megértésében, hozzájárulhat az érintett idegi hálózatok azonosításához és jellemzéséhez. Jelenleg fiatal felnőtt kontroll csoporton végzünk méréseket az olvasási nehézségek agyi korrelátumait feltáró vizsgálathoz.

Az előzetes vizsgálatok során a résztvevők általános olvasási képességet felmérő teszteket végeznek el. Az ezt követő vizsgálatokban kombinált szemkövetés és elektroenkefalográfia (EEG) alapú módszereket használunk. A résztvevők egy számítógép képernyőjén olvasnak szövegeket, miközben regisztráljuk a szemmozgásukat és agyi aktivitásukat EEG segítségével.

Nem vehet részt a kísérletben, ha…

  • látása korrekcióra szorul és nincsen kontaktlencséje. A szemüveg megnehezíti a szemmozgáskövető berendezés használatát. Kontaktlencsével a kísérlet elvégezhető.
  • szorongással, klausztrofóbiával, pánikbetegséggel, hiperaktivitással vagy figyelemzavarral küzd.
  • szüksége volt/van neurológiai vagy pszichiátriai kezelésre.
  • korábban diszlexiát vagy diszkalkuliát állapítottak meg Önnél.
  • korábban már vett részt olvasásos vizsgálatban az MTA TTK Agyi Képalkotó Központban.
  • tud örmény nyelven olvasni vagy ismeri az örmény abc betűit.
  • ha még nem töltötte be a 18. életévét vagy ha már betöltötte a 36. életévét.

Vizsgálati módszerek


A szemmozgáskövetés célja a vizuális figyelem nyomonkövetése és a szem aktivitásának (szakkádok, pupillatágulás) pontos mérése. A berendezés működésének az alapja, hogy az eszköz infravörös, nem káros fénysugarat bocsát ki, amely visszaverődik az alany szeméről. A visszaverődést egy kamera rögzíti, így pontosan megállapítható, a képernyő mely pontjára nézett az alany. Ezen felül a kamera segítségével rögzíthetőek a szem aktivitásában egyéb változások, mint például pupillatágulás és a pislogás gyakorisága. A szemmozgáskövető berendezés használatát megnehezíti, ha a vizsgálati alany szemüveges, ezért kérjük, akinek a látása korrekcióra szorul, az kontaktlencsével érkezzen a vizsgálatra.

Elektroenkefalográfia (EEG)

Az agy működését kísérő elektromos potenciálváltozások vizsgálatára szolgáló módszer az elektroenkefalográfia (EEG). Az EEG fontos vizsgálati eszköz, és nem invazív volta miatt az agykutatás számos területén széles körben alkalmazott módszer. Előnye az fMRI mérésekkel szemben, hogy időbeli felbontása nagyságrendekkel jobb. A mérés során mérőelektródok felhelyezésére kerül sor a hajas fejbőrre. A mérés megkezdése előtt az elektródákat az elvezetési helyére rögzítjük egy elektródasapka segítségével. A jó vezetőképesség biztosításának érdekében elektrolit pasztával töltjük fel az elektróda és a fejbőr közötti rést. A paszta kísérlet után hajmosással könnyedén eltávolítható, ehhez minden eszköz rendelkezésre áll a laborban.
Biztonsági tudnivalók: A módszer nem invazív, baleseti kockázata nincsen.



A vizsgálat helyszíne:

Agyi Képalkotó Központ
MTA Természettudományi Kutatóközpont
1117, Budapest, Magyar tudósok körútja 2.

A vizsgálatot koordináló kutató:

Dr. Weiss Béla


Nárai Ádám és Nemecz Zsuzsanna
+36 1 382 6447

Neo-PRISM-C Mon, 11 Mar 2019 15:36:17 +0000 Neo-PRISM-C (Neurodevelopmental Optimal-predictors Risk Factors And Intervention From A Systems Approach To Maladjustment In Children), a four-year project funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 Program (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2018) under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (Grant Agreement No. 813546) (2019-2023).

Neo-PRISM-C aims to study neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD), which emerge early in development and result in long-term disability, compromising the quality of life of millions of Europeans. The purpose of the Neo-PRISM-C ETN is to train Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) from multiple disciplines (psychology, neuroscience, data science) in applying the Research Domain Criteria approach, a novel framework for understanding psychopathology, to the study of the mechanisms of NDD, in order to inform and begin to test appropriate treatments. Neo-PRISM-C is expected to further understanding of NDD and improve the competitiveness of EU health professionals and scholars, providing the market with highly-skilled researchers and clinicians. Project webpage:

Currently we are recruiting ESR’s (Early Stage Researchers) for Neo-Prism-C -projects at BIC RCNS HAS. Please, check the Call for Application ( Information about other Neo-Prism-C partners’ projects can be found from Euraxess.

Deadline for applications April 11th 2019.



This project has received funding from
the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme
under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie
grant agreement No.813546

Call for applications Mon, 11 Mar 2019 15:20:43 +0000  

Early Stage Researcher (ESR) positions

The Brain Imaging Center at the Research Centre for Natural Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (RCNS HAS) is offering:

  • Positions for 2 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs; doctoral students) in a project aiming to study neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD). The purpose of the Neo-PRISM-C ETN is three-fold. First, it seeks to train Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) in applying the Research Domain Criteria, a novel framework for understanding psychopathology, to the study of the mechanisms and treatments of NDD. Second, it aims to train ESRs from multiple disciplines (psychology, neuroscience, data science) in state-of-the-art and transferable skills for innovating the study of brain-behavior relationships in NDD, in the context of a systems-based, trans-diagnostic theoretical frame. Finally, this ETN will also support training in designing evidence-based, individualized treatments of learning, behavioral, and social maladjustment, bridging across diagnostic categories. Towards these goals, we have assembled a trans-sectoral European network with expertise in cognitive, social, educational, clinical, and emotion research to provide training ESRs.
  • Applicants from all relevant academic disciplines are encouraged to apply, including psychology, neuroscience, biology, linguistics, data science, and related disciplines. The selected doctoral students will enroll in the Multilingualism Doctoral School of the University of Pannonia and work towards their Ph.D. in Linguistics. The doctoral program focuses on multilingualism, which is one of the recently developed research areas in the highest demand, integrating humanities, social studies and natural sciences.  


The multidisciplinary Neo-PRISM-C project is funded by the Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie action of the European Union. It is part of the Innovative Training Network (ITN) actions (


Hosting Institution

Brain Imaging Centre (BIC)

These exciting and challenging positions are offered at BIC (, an independent unit of the Research Centre for Natural Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (RCNS HAS) since 2014. For the realization of the current research and development programs, the most up-to-date methods and equipment are available. At BIC,  we conduct applied and basic research that promotes scientific progress and can be utilized directly and indirectly in the practice. The mission of BIC researchers is to attain a better understanding of human brain function, and apply this knowledge in training, innovation and contribution to mental health care.

Research Centre for Natural Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (RCNS HAS)

The Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (RCNS; Hungarian short name: MTA TTK) is an independent legal entity in the organizational framework of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) ( It was established in 2012 in the frame of the reorganisation of the institutional system of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Focus areas of research in a transdisciplinary environment provided by RCNS have created optimal conditions for research carried out multidisciplinary research activities in natural sciences, particularly in the fields of health science, enzymology, molecular pharmacology, organic chemistry, cognitive neuroscience and psychology, as well as materials- and environmental chemistry.

RCNS HAS is one of the largest research organizations within the network of Hungarian Academy of Science. The new, state of the art building of the Research Centre which provides internationally acknowledged research environment for all RCNS institutes at the same location has been inaugurated on 15th November 2013.

The aim of RCNS HAS is to achieve internationally recognised, significant scientific results; to maintain cooperation with universities and research institutions from Hungary and other countries, as well as with economic and social stakeholders. Our staff is traditionally active in the field of education and scientific training, thus RCNS’ priorities also include taking responsibility for the training of high-level future researchers / scientists.



RCNS HAS is located in Budapest, the capital and the most populous city of Hungary, and the tenth-largest city in the European Union by population within city limits. Budapest is an Alpha-global city with strengths in commerce, finance, media, art, fashion, research, technology, education, and entertainment. It is Hungary’s financial centre, and there are over 40 colleges and universities located in Budapest. Budapest is cited as one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, ranked as “the world’s second best city”, and “Europe’s 7th most idyllic place to live”. Tourism information about Budapest and Hungary can be found at


Individual Research Projects

A description of all relevant information about ESRs’ individual research projects (project title, host institution, supervisors, link, specific requirements and expected results) is followed:   


Fellow: Neuro-ESR9

Project Title: The common core of reading and spelling: Behavioural and brain correlates and the development of educational intervention of spelling disorders (WP 2 utilizing gained knowledge for WP3).

Host Institution: RCNS HAS

Supervisors: Valéria Csépe, Zoltán Vidnyánszky (RCNS-HAS)

Link for more information:  See the Brain Structure and Dynamics Research Group lead by Prof. Zoltán Vidnyánszky and the Research Group of Neurocognitive Development lead by Dr. Ferenc Honbolygó.

Specific Requirements

ESR9 will examine atypical visual processing at the behavioral (eye-tracking) and neural level (EEG) as the common core for reading and spelling difficulties.

Expected results

1) To shed light on the neuronal background of atypical representation of spelling, a less studied aspect of reading disability.

(2) To reveal novel information on the common core of reading and spelling problems. Data collected in experimental paradigms using brain measures and eye-tracking will reveal both visual and language- specific aspects of reading and spelling.

(3) To develop an educational intervention for improving spelling in poor readers.


Fellow: Neuro-ESR10

Project Title: Neurocognitive profiling and remediation of reading disorder: investigating the effects of musical training on ERP and behavioral measures of speech perception (WP2).

Host Institution: RCNS HAS

Supervisors: Ferenc Honbolygó (RCNS HAS), Maja Kelic (SUVAG)

Link for more information:  See the Brain Structure and Dynamics Research Group lead by Prof. Zoltán Vidnyánszky and the Research Group of Neurocognitive Development lead by Dr. Ferenc Honbolygó.

Specific Requirements

ESR10 will study the effects of music training on the neurocognitive basis of reading difficulties, developing behavioral and neurocognitive (ERP) methods to assess intervention effects.

Expected results

(1) To learn about the effectiveness of music and rhythm training programs as a pleasurable form of auditory training, which might improve the processing of segmental and suprasegmental features of speech.

(2) To examine the generalization of music training effects onto the actual reading performance. The expected output is extensive knowledge of the cognitive and neural background of dyslexia as well as a new form of RD remediation.


Eligibility criteria

Successful applicants should:

(a) Must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of their host organisation for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the contract commencement date; and

(b) Have a proven knowledge of at least one of the three themes of the Neo-PRISM-C (as described in the first paragraph of this announcement) network, as judged based on outstanding results within a diversified career path, publication activity, and teaching, supervision, teamwork, knowledge transfer, and management.

(c) For entry into the Ph.D. program, a Masters degree from an accredited University are required.

Women and men from all countries are encouraged to apply. The recruitment milestone for all ESRs is estimated at the 6th month from the ETN start.


Offer Requirements


  1. A Master’s degree in psychology, neuroscience, biology, linguistics, data science, and related disciplines.
  2. Excellent written and spoken English skills (applicants are required to provide relevant proof).
  3. Knowledge of, or willingness to learn Hungarian will be considered as an advantage.
  4. A keen interest in neuroscience and specifically in neurodevelopmental disorders.
  5. Knowledge on computer proficiency in standard softwares of Social Sciences and mathematics (e.g., SPSS, R, MATLAB) is highly desirable.
  6. Knowledge and prior involvement in experiments using brain imaging methods (e.g., EEG, MRI, fMRI, fNIRS, MEG), data collection, analysis, and interpretation will be considered as an advantage.
  7. Knowledge and prior involvement in experiments using psychophysiological and neurophysiological experimental techniques (e.g., eye-tracking) will also be considered as an advantage.
  8. Sufficient breadth or depth of specialist knowledge in the discipline and research methods and techniques.
  9. Strong organizational and planning skills and ability to take initiatives.
  10. Demonstrated experience with experimental research and an ability to work with international research teams whose work focuses on children from special and vulnerable populations will be considered an advantage.


Additional information

Overall, Neo-PRISM-C will offer the ESRs:

  • Project-specific research in neurodevelopmental disorders
  • Full-time employment for 3 years with a competitive salary and additional resources to take part in international conferences and collaborations
  • Tuition for doctoral studies at the University of Pannonia
  • A PhD-title after 4 years of research
  • Secondments to partner organizations
  • Participation in workshops and courses /training on scientific and entrepreneurial skills, as well as excellent supervision
  • Competitive salaries and additional resources to take part in international conferences and collaborations
  • Membership of world-renowned labs, as part of a motivated interdisciplinary team



Post Financial Terms

The post for the ESR is a full-time and fixed term for one year with a possible renewal for another two years, with an expected start date September 2, 2019. Salary will be €30.372 per year, including comprehensive health insurance and social security plans. Salary will be supplemented with Mobility Allowance (€600 per month). Qualified applicants based on family status may receive an additional Family Allowance of €500 per month. All salaries are taxable according to the Hungarian Tax Law.


How to apply

Candidates are asked to submit the required documents in a single .pdf file via email to Dr. Ferenc Honbolygó at until April 11, 2019, 14:30 EET:

  • Letter of motivation (research interests, research career goals, skills, experience, reasons for applying to the program and the specific host organization)
  • A full updated CV (including among other information, personal details with complete contact data, work, and education history, etc.)
  • Certified copies of relevant degrees and English Language proof of proficiency
  • The names and e-mail addresses of two referees


For more information, please contact Dr. Ferenc Honbolygó, at the Brain Imaging Centre, Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (1117 Budapest, Magyar tudósok krt. 2, Hungary). Email:

Deadline for the first round of applications is April 11, 2019.

Brain Imaging Centre Wed, 30 May 2018 14:30:56 +0000 Az MRI módszerek továbbfejlesztésében értek el kiemelkedő eredményeket az Agyi Képalkotó Központ kutatói Tue, 17 Apr 2018 12:06:27 +0000 A Mágneses Rezonancia Képalkotás (MRI) napjaink legsokoldalúbb és legdinamikusabban fejlődő orvosi képalkotó eljárása. Az egyre elterjedtebb klinikai alkalmazásán túl, az MRI kiemelkedően fontos szerepet játszik az emberi agy szerkezetének és funkciójának nem-invazív kutatásában is. Nem meglepő tehát, hogy az MRI módszerek továbbfejlesztése, alkalmazási lehetőségeinek bővítése egy kiemelten fontos kutatás-fejlesztési terület.

Magyarországon, noha kutatási célú strukturális és funkcionális MRI vizsgálatok több intézményben is zajlottak és zajlanak ma is, ezidáig magát az MRI adatgyűjtés során használt szekvenciákat és képrekonstrukciós eljárásokat érintő, MR fizikai fejlesztés nem történt. A vizsgálatok a gyártók által rendelkezésre bocsátott standard mérési eljárásokkal történtek. Ebből kifolyólag, az MTA TTK Agyi Képalkotó Központjában két évvel ezelőtt létrehozott kutatás-fejlesztési MRI laboratórium egyik legfontosabb célkitűzése az volt, hogy Vidnyánszky Zoltán központvezető irányításával kialakításra kerüljön az MRI módszerfejlesztés első hazai bázisa, ahol rendelkezésre áll a legmagasabb nemzetközi standardoknak megfelelő infrastruktúra és szakértelem egyaránt.

A tervek megvalósításának első lépéseként, az MTA Kutatási Infrastruktúra Fejlesztési Program és a Nemzeti Agykutatási Program együttes támogatásával 2015-ben beszerzésre került egy piacvezető, legkorszerűbb, kutatás-fejlesztésre optimalizált Siemens 3T Magnetom Prisma MRI készülék. Az MRI módszerfejlesztéshez elengedhetetlen MR fizika területén jelentős szakértelemmel rendelkező kutatók kinevelését az Agyi Képalkotó Központ és a Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem Természettudományi Kar fizikusképzésének orvosi fizika specializációja együttműködésével sikerült biztosítani. Ez utóbbi sikeres megvalósulásában kiemelkedő szerepet töltött be Kettinger Ádám, az Agyi Képalkotó Központ vezető MR fizikusa.

Az elkezdett kutatás-fejlesztési munka első eredményei a nagy időbeli felbontású, gyorsított MRI eljárás területén, a gyorsítás miatt bekövetkező zajerősítés csökkentésében jelentenek nagyon fontos előrelépést és a tudományterület legrangosabb folyóiratában, a Magnetic Resonance in Medicine-ben kerültek közlésre (megjelent cikk). A Kettinger Ádám elsőszerzőségével jegyzett közlemény legfontosabb eredménye, hogy speciálisan az adott mérési paraméterekre és páciensre optimalizált gerjesztő pulzussal, valamint speciális képrekonstrukcióval az erősen gyorsított MRI mérések zaja jelentősen csökkenthető, ahogy az az ábrázolt példaszeleten is látható. A módszer alkalmazásával lehetőség nyílik a modern MRI mérések maximálisan elérhető sebességének akár megduplázására, jelentős további zajnövekedés nélkül. Az ezáltal lecsökkent mérési idő nem csupán a funkcionális mérések időbeli felbontásának javítását, hanem a hosszadalmas strukturális vizsgálatok lerövidítését is szolgálhatja, ami a klinikai gyakorlatban is rendkívül fontos szempont.

Külön öröm, hogy az Agyi Képalkotó Központban elkezdett MRI módszerfejlesztés a nemzetközi tudományos közösség és az ipari partnerek érdeklődést is kiváltotta: a fenti publikáció a német Magnetic Resonance and X-ray Imaging Department, Fraunhofer Development Center X-ray Technology kutatóintézettel, valamint az MRI készüléket gyártó Siemens Healthcare GmbH erlangeni fejlesztőközpontjával szoros együttműködésben végzett kutatómunka eredménye. A jelenleg folyamatban lévő és jövőben tervezett módszerfejlesztési kutatások fókuszában az agyi ép és kóros kognitív funkciók jellemzésére alkalmas funkcionális MRI módszerek állnak, és ezen kutatások együttműködő partnerei kibővültek az MIT és a Harvard Medical School MRI fejlesztőközpontjaként szolgáló Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital kutatóival.

Brain Structure and Dynamics Research Group Wed, 11 Apr 2018 13:16:36 +0000 The Brain Structure and Dynamics Research Group was founded in 2014. The focus of research involves the normal and pathological brain functions of human active vision, learning, motivation, and reward. Our research programs adopt the most up-to-date methods of human cognitive neuroscience – fMRI, EEG, and eye-tracking. Our research and development projects, realized in cooperation with industrial partners, aim at developing MR and EEG biomarkers of potential use in translational research concerning neuropsychiatric disease, and developing computer programs that enhance spatial vision and are suitable for the treatment of amblyopia.

Research focus

The main focus of our research is on the neural basis of higher-level cognitive functions in health and disease. Our basic and translational human neuroimaging research is directed towards the following three specific objectives.

  1. Development of new MRI sequences and data processing techniques.
  2. Investigation of the human visual, attentional and executive functions in health and disease.
  3. Development of translational functional MRI biomarkers

Current research funding

  • NAP (2013-1-2013-0001) 2013-2017, Uncovering the contribution of intrinsic functional connectivity to stimulus- and task-related fMRI responses.
  • OTKA (K112093) 2015-2017, A vizuális figyelmi gátlás idegrendszeri folyamatai.
  • RICHTER Gedeon Nyrt. Témapályázat (RG-IPI-2015 TP9/009) 2015-2017, Kombinált agyi perfúziós és funkcionális MRI alapú transzlációs demencia-biomarkerek kutatása


Zoltán Vidnyánszky


Research Group of Neurocognitive Development Wed, 11 Apr 2018 13:15:45 +0000 About the Group

The research group’s predecessor was founded by Valéria Csépe in January of 2000. The group’s research is aimed at understanding the dynamic systems of cognitive functions and the exploration of their developmental aspects. The focus of research is on higher order auditory processing (speech and music) and the dynamic, domain-specific (reading, language processing, visual cognition) and domain-general (executive functions) sub-systems of cognition. Behavioural measures and methods of neuroscience (electrophysiology and neuroimaging) are used in combination to study these processes. In 2014, the group joined the Brain Imaging Centre of RCNS HAS.

The research group focuses on the following topics:

  • perception of speech prosody in newborn infants, and in adults during the acquisition of a second language
  • backgrounds of reading related processes in the deaf
  • the effects of active music learning on cognitive processes and on plasticity
  • probabilistic sequence learning in decision making




Lead researchers of the Brain Imaging Centre, Valéria Csépe, Ferenc Honbolygó and Zoltán Vidnyászky participate in the Neo-Prism-C European Training Network (lead by the University of Cyprus) a four-year project funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 Program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network. Neo-PRISM-C aims to study neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD), which emerge early in development and result in long-term disability. The purpose of the Network is to train Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) from multiple disciplines (psychology, neuroscience, data science) in applying the Research Domain Criteria approach, a novel framework for understanding psychopathology, to the study of the mechanisms of NDD, in order to inform and begin to test appropriate treatments. For further information please check the Neo-Prism-C website:

Probabilistic sequence learning in decision making: ERP and fMRI studies (PI: Andrea Kóbor)

An increased sensitivity to environmental regularities is crucial in learning new skills and effectively forming our behavior. We aim to investigate this sensitivity or learning capacity using the state-of-the art tools of cognitive neuroscience, electroencephalography and functional magnetic resonance imaging. We are particularly interested in how this learning capacity changes after one or a few days, in what degree it is resistant to new, interfering information, and how the brain adapts to the changed task requirements by continuously experiencing the consequences of risky choices. Our results may have implications in clinical and educational context, such as how to overcome harmful behaviors (substance use disorder, pathological gambling) and to develop training programs to change daily routines (learning the updates of an application, changing communication between various environments).

Multimodal interactions in orthographic learning (PI: Valéria Csépe)

Skilled reading is characterized by fast and automatic visual word recognition which requires the reader to possess detailed and directly accessible orthographic representations. However, little is known about how theses orthographic representations are acquired. In a series of experiments, we aim to test the role of phonological recoding and other factors in orthographic learning. We mainly focus on whether recoding in the visual-auditory modality is a necessary requirement for orthographic learning and which additional, within- and across-modality factors influence orthographic learning, investigated both at the cognitive and at the neurobiological level. To test the crucial importance and modality-specificity of phonological recoding, we compare the orthographic learning of hearing and deaf readers. In addition, we investigate the impact of visual attention on fluent reading and orthographic learning by adopting a special training program. Finally, in the acoustic domain, we investigate whether higher-level phonological (prosodic) factors, such as word stress can modulate orthographic learning (besides phonological recoding) in foreign language learners.

Content Pedagogy Research Program

The Research Group on Active Music Learning has been established in collaboration between the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music and works under the auspices of the Content Pedagogy Research Program of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Our interdisciplinary research endeavours to develop a new practice for elementary school music instruction which integrates movement into music pedagogy, taking the educational aspects of psychology and cognitive neuroscience into consideration. The main purpose of our methodological work is to develop and adopt a music educational model using movement in elementary school contexts. The model based on creative vocal-movement games aims to support the understanding of musical concepts through directed movement activities, providing a kinaesthetic and visual experience of music for the student. The dynamic music teaching model encourages students to use movement to improvise during singing and music listening, which might indirectly benefit the development of musical abilities as well as cognitive, emotional, and physical skills. We measure the impacts of these new music-movement pedagogical methods on cognitive development using psychological tests. Additionally, electrophysiological experiments are conducted to evaluate the effects of active music learning on “entrainment” skills as well as on music and speech processing. Our longitudinal study investigates the long-term effects of the applied active music learning models on the development of cognitive abilities and neural mechanisms underlying music and speech perception. Further information about the project is available in Hungarian.



Hungarian collaborations

  • BME, Department of Ergonomy and Psychology, Budapest
  • BME, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Cognitive Science, Budapest
  • University of Pannonia, Institute of Hungarian and Applied Linguistics, Veszprém
  • University of Debrecen, Department of General and Applied Linguistics, Debrecen
  • University ELTE, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Department of Cognitive Psychology, Budapest
  • MTA Institute of Linguistics, Department of Neurolinguistics, Budapest

International collaborations

  • University of Jyväskylä , Department of Psychology , Jyväskylä, Finland
  • University of Tübingen, Department of Psychology, Tübingen, Germany
  • University of Zagreb, Department of Psycholinguistics, Zagreb, Croatia
  • University of Cyprus, Department of Psychology, Nicosia, Ciprus

For further information please check our Facebook page.


Leader of the group

Ferenc Honbolygó

